Professional and social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook are effective outlets for finding new readers. But it is easy to find your message spread thin if you don't choose the right strategy.
To avoid the scattershot approach, choose one or two social networking sites that fit your business well and invest the time to maximize your presence in them. Let's explore what that might look like if Facebook is one of your choices.
Prepare Your Best Information Before You Start
Avoid the "I will go back and fill that in later" trap. Have all your necessary information on hand, ready to copy and paste on the spot. Complete a worksheet containing:
1. Key Terms:
Make a list of your best key terms and weave them into the rest of your worksheet items. Key terms are one, two, or three word terms that someone might use if they were searching for your business in a search engine.
2. General Information:
Your Name
Business Name
Email Addresses
Instant Messaging screen names
3. Biographical and Descriptive Information:
Short bio (50 words)
Longer bio (100 words)
Short company description (50 words)
Longer company description (100 words)
Business mission statement
4. List of Products
If you choose a different social networking site, examine some completed profiles and base your worksheet items on them.